The Biodiversity Net Gain Conference

Thursday 2nd March 2023
09:30 – 16:30
Church House, London, SW1P 3NZ

Thank you to all who attended the Biodiversity Net Gain Conference. You can find recordings of the day’s sessions here.

Putting Nature on the Road to Recovery

Biodiversity net gain represents an important change to the way new homes and neighbourhoods are designed, built and looked after. This conference will help prepare the homebuilding and local authority sectors to meet the challenges involved, support nature recovery and create the healthy and sustainable places local communities need.  

The event will bring together leaders and experts from across the public, private and voluntary sectors to share knowledge, experience and solutions. Drawing on examples of live and completed projects, delegates will hear about the benefits of biodiversity and receive practical advice and guidance on how to deliver and maintain a biodiversity net gain across a range of different sites, small and large, urban and rural. 

Why now?

The state of our natural environment is at a critical point and it needs everyone to play their part in shifting the focus towards nature’s recovery and halting biodiversity loss. This objective is central to the Environment Act 2021 and biodiversity net gain is one of the key measures Government is bringing forward to achieve it.  

But this is not a top-down initiative. The local authority, homebuilding and conservation sectors have worked closely with Government and Natural England to make the case for biodiversity net gain and to prove it can be delivered on the ground. 

The majority of new development projects will be required to deliver a minimum 10% net increase in biodiversity in November 2023.  

Who was this event for? 

The Biodiversity Net Gain Conference was held to help local government and development professionals deepen their understanding of biodiversity net gain and learn from current and completed projects.

Key topics

Sustainability, Climate Action, Low Carbon Homes the role of nature recovery in tackling climate change and supporting community health and wellbeing
Sustainability, Climate Action, Balancing Our Impacts how to balance biodiversity net gain delivery with other priorities
Sustainability, Climate Action, Embodied Carbon  upskilling teams and partners  
Sustainability - Nature - 2022  nature recovery and community health and wellbeing
Sustainability - Communities and Sustainable Living - 2021
engaging local communities
Sustainability, Climate Action, Resilience managing flood risk and climate change adaptation
Sustainability, Nature, 2021 Icon maintaining biodiverse habitats over the long term
 Sustainability, Nature, 2006 Icon when and how to deliver off-site gains